Mes: May 2022

7 razones por las que deberías elegir fregaderos de acero inoxidable

An increasing number of different industries are choosing stainless steel products obtained through investment casting for their facilities. A clear example of this is stainless steel sinks, which offer outstanding qualities and advantages that make them ideal for any environment. Stainless steel sinks have been used in industrial, architectural, culinary, public and residential applications for more than

7 razones por las que deberías elegir fregaderos de acero inoxidable Leer más »

Impuesto antidumping sobre la importación de fregaderos de acero inoxidable de China a EE. UU.

Impuesto antidumping sobre la importación de fregaderos de acero inoxidable de China a EE. UU.

Like any other business, importing stainless steel sinks from China is currently facing challenges. Many retailers who source these products from China will now have to pay higher tariffs. The United States, in particular, has set a high anti-dumping duty on stainless steel sinks imports from China. How will this affect trade between the two countries and

Impuesto antidumping sobre la importación de fregaderos de acero inoxidable de China a EE. UU. Leer más »

fregadero de cocina hecho a mano

¿Por qué son populares los fregaderos de cocina hechos a mano?

Hand-made sinks are a perfect choice for your needs if you are looking for a high-quality product. Mass-produced sinks will never be as durable or well-made as hand-made ones. It is helpful to be sure that you know the benefits of this kind of sink before choosing it for your needs. There are many reasons

¿Por qué son populares los fregaderos de cocina hechos a mano? Leer más »

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La guía definitiva para comprar fregaderos de cocina

Este artículo le dirá que varios lugares que producen fregaderos de acero inoxidable en China están asociados con los diferentes niveles de calidad que fabrican. Evite ser engañado por los fabricantes utilizando esta guía.